ClickTheCity Rewards

Where 1 point is all you need!

About ClickTheCity Rewards
  1. ClickTheCity Rewards is ClickTheCity App's customer loyalty program that rewards its users on certain activities on ClickTheCity App. The points earned can be used to redeem ClickTheCity Privileges coupons which gives exclusive freebies and discounts to ClickTheCity App users. Points can also be used to exchange raffle entries on certain ClickTheCity promos.
How to join
  1. ClickTheCity App users with a ClickTheCity Account are automatically part of ClickTheCity Rewards.
  2. Membership is FREE and does not need additional registration.
How to earn points
  1. New User Registration (5pts).
    The points are given upon mobile# verfication. (After you have registered, tap ClickTheCity logo on App Home screen, then tap 'Verify' beside your mobile#)
  2. Reporting of Incorrect Establishment Info or New Branch (1pt)
    The points are given upon ClickTheCity Team's Acceptance of the User Report. Make sure your report is complete so it can be verified.
  3. Mobile Ordering (1pt for every P300)
    The points are given once your order has been completed.
  4. Ticketing (1pt per ticket)
    The points are given as soon as you complete your ticket purchase.
How to check your available points
  1. Simply click the ClickTheCity icon on the app's main menu to see your total points, and points that would expire soon.
How to check redeemable Rewards
  1. Earned points can be used to redeem ClickTheCity Privileges coupons. 1 point = 1 coupon.
  2. Coupons on ClickTheCity Privileges are subject to change without prior notice.
  3. To check the latest available coupons, visit:
How to redeem Rewards
  1. To redeem a Privileges coupon, just pick the merchant you want and generate your desired coupon.
  2. Privileges coupons provide exclusive freebies and discounts to ClickTheCity App users.
  3. One point is used when you generate a coupon regardless if claimed or not.
  4. A generated coupon automatically expires at the end of the day.
  5. The ability to generate coupons using 'Rewards Points' is subject to the terms of the coupon itself. A merchant, for instance, can limit: a) total coupon generated, b) total coupon generated per user, c) a combination of both, d) etc.


    If a coupon has a maximum limit of 50 coupon generations and it has been reached, you won't be able to generate the coupon even if you have points available. So it's possible that you won't be able to generate this coupon at all.


    If a coupon has a limit of 1 coupon generation per user and you have generated yours, you won't be able to generate the coupon anymore even if you still have points available.
How else can I use my Rewards points
  1. We hope to conduct more regular promos in the future to promote our services. You can exchange your Rewards points for raffle entries to join.

    Please visit regularly for announcements.
For existing Privileges subscribers
  1. If you are currently a ClickTheCity Privileges subscriber, you will continue to enjoy the unlimited coupon generation on Privileges until your subscription expires.
  2. All points earned while your Privileges subscription is still active, will be reserved and will not expire.
  3. The one year term of your rewards points will start upon expiry of your Privileges membership.
  4. You can use your rewards points and exchange it for raffle entries to join ClickTheCity's promos. Pls visit regularly for promo announcements

Updated Mar 18, 2015

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